Lerici Pea “Inedito” Prize – last edition in 2014 

The Lerici Pea “Inedito” Prize is dedicated to unpublished poetry. It does not take place every year, since the cultural field in Italy is increasingly defunded. When it took place, it highlighted many poets who afterwards stood out for their great achievements.

The winner of this Section is chosen by the Prize Jury during different meetings: the jurors examine all the submitted works. The attention of the Jury is directed particularly towards recognised talents, as it happened, for example, for Sauro Albisani. After receiving the LericiPea Prize in 2007, he obtained important national achievements, and he was appointed curator of the Betocchi Archive. 

1999 – Domenico Cipriano – Carlo Prosperi
2000 – Adriano Sansa – Poesia Inedita Giovani: Ivan Fedeli
2001 – Lamberto Garzia
2002 – Paola Malvasi
2003 – Mary de Rachewiltz
2004 – Alessandro Veni
2005 – Lucetta Frisa
2006 – Graziella Colotto
2007 – Sauro Albisani
2008 – Carlo Vita
2009 – Tonino Milite
2010 – Valerio Magrelli
2011 – Paolo Febbraro
2012 – Non assegnato
2013 – Riccardo Olivieri
2014 – Roberto Maggiani