This section of the Prize aims to celebrate the “highest” and most significant Italian poetry published by the most important publishing houses. It provides continuity to the intuition and professionalism that brought Giorgio Caproni’s poetry to light. He was awarded the Lerici Pea Prize in 1954, only a year after the section was born. In that moment, Caproni, almost unknown, could gain the fame and visibility he deserved.
A Public Jury, together with a Jury of Experts, vote the winner of the “Edito” Section choosing among three candidates previously identified by the jurors and the Owners of the LericiPea Prize. The Public Jury is selected by the Association with the help of Universities, critics, professors and students of local High schools.
Among the excellent Italian poets, who gained recognition and prestige thanks to the Lerici Pea Prize, we would like to remember:
- Maria Luisa Spaziani, awarded in 1957 and 1995
- Corrado Govoni (1962)
- Alberto Bevilacqua (1963)
- Carlo Betocchi (1966)
- Margherita Guidacci, to whom the Vieusseux cabinet in Florence dedicated an important Conference in 2002
- Alberico Sala, to whom the City of Milan has recently dedicated a Prize and different workshops
- Roberto Pazzi
- Silvio Ramat
- Valentino Zeichen, one of our jurors, who passed away in 2016, is now published in the “Meridiani” collection of Mondadori Publishing House, and won the LericiPea Prize in 1992.
- Furthermore, Paolo Bertolani, who won the Prize in 1990 and in 2002, the year when the Poet became part of the Prize Jury, remaining an active member until his death. To remember him and the importance of dialect-written poetry, the Lerici PeaPrize together with the City of Lerici, founded the “Paolo Bertolani” LericiPea Prize for Dialectal Poetry.
2000 – Not awarded
2001 – Eugenio De Signoribus
2002 – Paolo Bertolani
2003 – Biancamaria Frabotta
2004 – Not awarded
2005 – Maurizio Cucchi
2006 – Sebastiano Grasso
2007 – Patrizia Cavalli
2008 – Franco Marcoaldi
2009 – Claudio Damiani
2010 – Sergio Zavoli
2011 – Giorgio Mannacio – Emilio Zucchi
2012 – Donatella Bisutti
2013 – Roberto Pazzi
2014 – Valerio Magrelli
2015 – Mauro Macario
2016 – Antonio Riccardi
2019 – Davide Rondoni
2021 – Maria Grazia Calandrone