LericiPea “Europe” Special Prize to Mladen Machiedo
Per il primo anno, in occasione del Sessantesimo del Premio e in concomitanza con l’entrata nell’Unione Europea dell’ultimo stato membro, la Croazia, l’Associazione Lerici Pea, in collaborazione con Edison SpA, ha deciso di conferire, il Premio Speciale Lerici Pea ad una personalità poetiche eccellente e con spiccata vocazione europeista. La Giuria del Premio ha scelto dunque il letterato e poeta Mladen Machiedo non solo in quanto poeta croato, ma anche per la sua costante ed incessante opera di divulgazione della letteratura croata in Italia e di quella italiana in Croazia, rinsaldando così i rapporti tra le due nazioni.
On the Sixtieth anniversary of our Prize, and to coincide with Croatia’s entry into the European Union, the LericiPea Association, in collaboration with Edison SpA, decided to award an excellent poet with a strong pro-European vocation. Therefore, the Prize Jury chose the writer and poet Mladen Machiedo for being not only a Croatian poet, but also a benchmark in the spread of Croatian literature in Italy and Italian literature in Croatia, strengthening the relations between these two nations.
For half a century, Italian literature has had a Croatian voice thanks to the wide and passionate activity of Mladen Machiedo, the one-and-only Italianist from Zagreb.
Machiedo studied both classic Italian authors (Boccaccio, Leopardi, Michelangelo) and contemporary poets, translating many poets such as Pavese, Montale and Ungaretti, up to contemporary poets including Cattafi and Magrelli.
Machiedo is a first-class poet also when he writes and translates into Croatian – his texts impress and strike the reader thanks to irony and affection, a genealogical sense of history and his wondering about the annals of human destinies.